Production stages
Front side and rear side metallization
Conductive layer of transparent conductive oxide
Amorphous silicon semiconductor layer
Textured N-type monocrystalline silicon wafer
HJT PV Cell advantages
up to 25%
Maximum Cell Efficiency
plus state of art automatic
production line ensures one of the best in class M6 (M10)
production line ensures one of the best in class M6 (M10)
0.45% per year
Lower annual degradation
but not more than 15% for 30 years
High bifaciality factor
HJT cell has a high bifaciality factor
of 90% resulting in higher yields
of 90% resulting in higher yields
<0.26% /°C
Lower temperature coefficient
in locations with high temperatures provides higher power output compared to PERC PV modules
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HJT vs. mass-market crystalline PV technologies
Average lifetime values for cell type without loss of efficiency
up to 25 years
up to 30 years
Temperature Coefficient
Average temperature coefficient for cell type
Highest Recorded Efficiency
Highest cell efficiency ever recorded during operational usage
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